We can view our future with pessimism,
or with passion.
There are so many reasons to be pessimistic about our future, and at times the scope of the problems makes the prospects for our future seem bleak. There has to be a better way, and there is. Let’s tackle the future with passion and a common commitment to improving our quality of life.
If we focus on solutions that improve our lives while using less resources and protecting the environment, we all win!
Canada Conserves is breathing new life into a concept that was first proposed by the Science Council of Canada in 1973 — a conserver society. It’s about balancing our social and economic goals with environmental health. Living better with less.
Our mission is to promote conservation and conservation leadership across Canada. We want to help Canadians live better with less, and to help Canada be a world leader in conservation.
Our focus is on environmental solutions that will improve our lives, save money and reduce debt, build strong communities and a resilient economy, and ensure a sustainable future for our children. In particular, we look at ten solutions that are a key indicator of a conserver society:
- Urban design: we build urban villages that are compact, vibrant and walkable
- Cycling: we can ride bikes safely
- Public Transit: we have affordable and efficient transit both in and between cities
- Energy: we conserve energy and use green power
- Resources: we use all natural resources sustainably
- Food: we eat locally grown, healthy food from a strong rural economy
- Jobs: we invest in a resilient local and green economy
- Wealth: we value personal growth through health, fitness, culture and education
- Waste: we aim for zero waste and pollution
- Nature: we protect natural areas and greenspaces
Our approach is to promote action and leadership. We will promote solutions that make sense, and that translate public and consumer demand into products, services and policies that will make it even easier to live a conserver lifestyle. Our strength is in our research and ideas — innovation in supporting conservation.
- We will be a leading voice for a conservation in Canada — applying conserver values across society
- We promote effective strategies and campaigns to support conservation solutions;
- We will develop special projects that will be a catalyst for action.
Our success will be measured by change: stronger public support for conservation policies and solutions, government strategies to promote conserver solutions, and positive trends in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Our true measure of success will be when we can say that Canada is a conserver society.