Manitoba’s Round Table
Manitoba has a Round Table for Sustainable Development which is an advisory body to the provincial government that provides advice and support to decision makers toward making responsible resource, land use, environment, social and economic development decisions for the province. The Manitoba Round Table is an integral component of the province’s sustainable development strategy.
The Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development was established in law upon proclamation of The Sustainable Development Act on July 1, 1998 to promote sustainable development in Manitoba and provide advice and recommendations to government in accordance with The Sustainable Development Act.
Included in the Round Table’s mandate is to advise on the development and review of the Sustainable Development Strategy and to advise on the development and review of Sustainability Indicators. It appears the province’s sustainable development strategy is now morphing into a “green plan.”
TomorrowNow – Manitoba’s Green Plan
TomorrowNow – Manitoba’s Green Plan is the government’s new eight-year strategic plan for protecting the environment while ensuring a prosperous and environmentally conscious economy. The plan sets out actions around the following five key priorities.
- Good for Our Economy – Good For Our Environment
- Changing Our Ways For A Changing Climate
- Safeguarding our Water, Air and Land
- Nurturing Our Living World
- Simple Individual Choices – Big Results
Green Manitoba
Green Manitoba is a special operating agency (SOA) of the Manitoba Government,serves as an access point to acquire information about provincial sustainability issues. The Agency delivers programs and services related to waste reduction, climate change action, water conservation, sustainable transportation and education for sustainability on behalf of government departments and various other clients.
Green Manitoba runs the Manitoba Sustainable Initiatives Directory, a listing of programs and resources available on a wide range of subjects.